Purim Mishloach Manot 5785
For the third year, Koleinu will be creating and distributing Mishloach Manot! Please join us to sponsor Purim Mishloach Manot to be delivered to the homes of all participants!
For the third year, Koleinu will be creating and distributing Mishloach Manot! Please join us to sponsor Purim Mishloach Manot to be delivered to the homes of all participants!
Koleinu is proud to present an adult education series, "Pathways to God: Theology in Jewish Thought Through History," hosted by Dylan Kurlansky. The second conversation, “The Kuzari: A Priest, an Imam, and a Rabbi Walk Into the King's Court,” will be on Wednesday, March 19th at 8:30pm in the Kurlansky home. Join us to learn and converse among friends. No RSVP required.