Shavuot Ice Cream Social

Join us in the Friedman backyard to schmooze and let the kids play over ice cream on the second day of Shavuot.

Shabbat with Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne

Join us for our monthly Shabbat morning davening complete with Tot Shabbat, Junior Congregation, babysitting, and a delicious kiddush for the entire community. We are honored to welcome Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne, our community's first halachic advisor, and her family this Shabbat to daven and learn with us. This special event promises to be a weekend of learning, connection, and celebration. To RSVP, please add just one ticket to your cart. In the next step, you will add everone attending with you to your ticket. Last, but not least, please add an optional donation before checking out to sponsor kiddush!

Sparklers & Sprinklers

Join your friends at Koleinu to celebrate Independence Day on Sunday, July 7th, from 10am to 11:30am! Bring bathing suits for the sprinklers. Light refreshments will be served.

Shabbat Davening on August 3

Join us for our monthly Shabbat morning davening! Parshat Matot-Masei, Shabbat Mevarchim Davening & Kiddush @ Kurlansky Childcare @ Keyak (allergy warning: cats)

“Telling Lies in Tefillah” with Rabbanit Liz

Rabbanit Liz, Koleinu's halachic advisor, will be sharing some words on wisdom in a talk titled "Telling Lies in Tefilah: How do we daven on Tisha B’Av when Jerusalem is no longer desolate?" It will be held on Wednesday evening, August 7th, at 8:15 PM in the Vaanunu Frankel home. Light refreshments will be served.

Parshat Shoftim Davening on September 7

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Parshat Veyeshev Shabbat on December 21

Join us for our monthly Shabbat morning davening!Parshat VayeshevDecember 21, 2024Davening @ OppenheimChildcare & Kiddush @ Brauner

Parshat Vayechi Shabbat on January 11

Join us for our monthly Shabbat morning davening!Parshat VeyechiJanuary 11, 2025Davening @ KimmelChildcare & Kiddush @ Friedman

Pathways to God: The Gaonim

The Kurlansky Home

Koleinu is proud to present a new adult education series, "Pathways to God: Theology in Jewish Thought Through History," hosted by Dyland Kurlansky. The first conversation, "The Gaonim," is on Wednesday, February 5th at 8:30pm in the Kurlansky home. Join us to learn and converse among friends. No RSVP required.

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